From the window of the Hobbit Room (the affectionate name for my craft room if you didn't know), I can see a vast array of white clouds with a teeny tiny smattering of blue sky interspersed among them. According to the
official weather person on the telly last night (and I dare say this morning too but I haven't it yet to verify that statement) we are going to have a lovely day once the cloud clears and nice warm temperatures. This is fine with me so I've given the weather people the okay to go ahead with
today's weather as planned. I have to go to work soon and it will be nice to NOT get wet on my trusted Gerrard Butler bicycle (its actually a
Claud Butler bike but it sounds so much better to be able to say I've
ridden Gerrard Butler today
For those that don't know who Gerrard Butler is - where have you been???

He is just yummy
xxxxxxxxxxxxxBut then I wouldn't swap him for my man
any day (sorry Gerry, if you were thinking of dropping by)

Right, well its time I was off of this blog and sorting myself out for work. Take care all and be good
xxxxxxxxxDrop in again
soon - I can talk for Wales and will probably have added a few more entries
by the time you get back x
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