So, here is the weather report for St. Neots at 8.22am. Its rubbish LOL. Its very murky and it looks like we are in for some rain later this afternoon - it will time itself perfectly for when I am cycling along Cromwell Road which is a dead straight road about a mile (ish) long and its just a horrible road - don't know why - but the wind always blows the wrong way and its has little undulations every now and then and I have to keep changing gear to accomodate them. And if its gonna rain - it will rain while I'm there today LOL. Such is the pleasures of being out on a bicycle.
I made some cards for orders last night and here they are :-

They are both from the Jasi-i-kins range of decoupage sheets and are for 2 grand-daughters - one aged 9 and one aged 17 so I hope they are suitable. Not having daughters myself, I have no idea what they are "into" so I guessed :-)
Well, lets hope that my very first post in my new blog has worked so I am about to press the button and find out. If you are reading it now, then its worked. If not, then its back to the drawing board after picking up all the pieces of my PC from where it landed after I threw it out the window.
Hope you have enjoyed your first visit to the Cazz Bar and please come back again xxx
Fantastic- what a start - yes will be back.
Well done Cazz, love the name of your blog LOL! It's millions of times better than mine as I only use it to upload pics of cards I have made for challenges and don't actually say much!!!!! Ooops better explain who I am....tis moi...Sparklechops (Denise). Keep up the good work :) I don't know who the guy is in the b&w pic as I don't recognise the name but I thought it was your Bern until I read on!!!!