Friday, 31 October 2008
Its Halloween today ...............
Good morning everyone from a very sunny Eastern Counties this morning. I can't see a single cloud in the sky right now but there are wintry showers forecast for later so there must be some building up somewhere - maybe they are in the shed - so if I keep the door shut, I won't let them out and it will stay sunny all day. Worth a try I suppose LOL
Well I am off to get ready for work so have a lovely day everyone and stay safe and warm xxx
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Been playing
Welcome to Thursday
Its Halloween Eve today (well New Year & Christmas have an EVE day so why not Halloween too). It may be lovely and sunny but I don't think its warm enough for witches to go flying about as it looks very cold out there today - I only wish I could stay indoors and craft but I have to go out to work at some stage (well very soon actually).
I didn't do any crafting last night as I was too upset over the loss of Little Mac. I have to go to the surgery this afternoon and pick up the empty basket, which has to be done but won't be very pleasant - have to "swallow my frog" on that one as a good friend of mine says and get it over with. At least Mac is happy and at rest and in no more pain now - that's the most you could ever wish for xxx
Thank you for all the lovely comments xxx
Have a good day everyone xxx
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Sad news re Mac the Cat
I spoke to the Vets today and had to make that awful decision - and Mac has passed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was 12 years old and didn't suffer in anyway but her liver and kidneys had failed due to an undetectable liver tumour so the decision was the kindest one to make on Mac's behalf. The vets said she had worsened dramatically overnight and wouldn't have lasted more than a couple of days anyway and would have been in agony.
It doesn't make it any easier to bear though and I shall miss her gentle ways so much as she was so laid back she was horizontal xxx
Enjoy your time on the other side of the bridge sweet Little Mac xxxxxxxxxx

Welcome to Wednesday
Morning all, cold again here in the Eastern Counties but we do have wall to wall sunshine at the moment which is nice. I do feel for those of you that have snow right now - apparently it snowed in London in October for the 1st time in 70 years (so the news man said anyway). If you do have snow, please take care out there today xxx
I had to take Mac the Cat to the vets yesterday and the prognosis isn't good - they suspect she has a liver tumour which has taken its next stage. her abdomen has blown up like a balloon and she's not eating or drinking. I am waiting for a call from the vets today but he did tell me to prepare for the worse yesterday. She is about 12 years old and has never been a moments trouble in her entire life but I would not want her to suffer in anyway so will wait to see what the Vet says today.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Friends birthday card

I stepped outside my comfort zone for this one and delved into the realm of stamping and colouring - which takes a lot of mental thought for me lol. I have been told by a very worthy critic that it doesn't need anything else added to it, so I shall be sending it "as is". The floral stamps and the happy birthday wording are from one of the Crafters Companion range of stamps - I got them from C & C for £4 in their sale section and there was no P&P that day either, so I think I got a bargain.
Sunny Tuesday (albeit cold though)
Good morning all from a lovely sunny Eastern Counties - but you'll need your thermals on today though as its a bit chilly around the nether regions. There's a thin frost on the mound outside the house and there was a frozen bowl of water in my garden earlier. And that nice man on Radio 2 has just said there may be snow in the Northern regions later so it looks like we're in for a cold winter this year.
Well I shall keep this short and sweet today so I'll say ta-ta for now and catch you all later xx
Take care and please keep warm x
Monday, 27 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Bookatrix birthday card

Saturday, 25 October 2008
Friday, 24 October 2008
F-F-F- Friday at last xxx
I don't know why I get so excited about it being a Friday, cos I have to work tomorrow and Sunday morning too but I still get excited about it all the same. Oh well, bit of a cloudy start here in the Eastern Counties this morning but its dry now as its been raining most of the night but thanks to a marvellous builder friend of mine, I now don't have rain water running down the inside of my bedroom wall anymore so that was a great relief. And my neighbour was going to sort out his car alarm yesterday (I found out who's car it was) so no disturbances from car alarms last night (nor CO2 alarms) - just what the Dr ordered LOL
And now I have to be getting sorted ready for work so I shall say ta-ta for now and catch you all later xx
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Greeting card factory to the rescue again lol

What an 'orrible evening - cold, wet & windy
So glad I am tucked up inside in the warm. Had to make 2 birthday cards for the same person to give to his 2 brother-in-laws so here is what I came up with

Slightly warmer Thursday
Good morning all - its slightly warmer here in the Eastern Counties so far. Didn't get a great deal of sleep as some one's car alarm kept going off every 10 minutes and then at about 1am I was woken up by the sound of an alarm beeping every minute. I thought it was maybe the fire alarms telling me the batteries needed changing so I disconnected them both and took the batteries out. But it wasn't those so I was at a loss as to what it was. Then I remembered the CO2 alarm in the kitchen and it was that. They are not the easiest of things to get into (if you have one and had the same problem, you will know what I mean), but thankfully having had to sort one out at a clients house recently I knew what to do so was able to remove the batteries and get back off to bed. Only to have yet more disturbed sleep because of the flipping car alarm. I have no idea who's car it was and I wasn't about to go outside in my dressing gown at 2am to try and find the registration LOL.
I just hope that who's ever car it was, the battery is dead flat this morning and they can't get to work - serves them right for not checking the car alarm last night lol
Anyway, I had better get myself sorted for work so I shall say ta-ta for now and catch you all later
Have a nice day xxx
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Morning all xxx
Cold start to the day here in the Eastern Counties but beautiful wall to wall sunshine none the less so we should make the most of it. I've been out quickly this morning - one of my ladies I clean for was rushed into hospital yesterday and all she was worried about was someone ringing me so I could go in and feed her 2 budgies, bless her. So I've been round to check they are okay this morning, topped up their seed trays etc etc and they are fine.
So I am back out the door again very shortly to start my normal day but just thought I come on here and say hello to everyone x
Hope you all have a good day - stay safe and stay warm xxx
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Blog Candy being offered by Rach
Having been sent on a blog hopping trip to Rach's lovely site, I can only say - I was amazed. Rach has a lovely unique style and a truly delightful site.
She is also offering some gorgeous blog candy so if you'd like to be in with a chance of winning, then click here and enjoy looking at the lovely site xxx
Turn off the cold please ...
Morning all from a very sunny Eastern Counties - but can someone PLEASE turn off the cold - it was flipping freezing when I got up at 6am for a "toilet break" lol. But I guess the best bit about that is being able to jump back into a warm bed and snuggle back down again. Then when the alarm went off at 8am I had an awful battle with the duvet - it just would not let me get out of bed. Everytime I threw it off, Duvet would just throw itself back onto me again and I had one hell of a struggle - I'm surprised I'm not covered in bruises after the fight I had with it. But I overcome the dreaded demon duvet and made it out of bed and am almost ready to start my day now ( I say almost, I now have to go 2 or 3 rounds with the pyjama's and try and get dressed).
Oh well, the trials and tribulations of me wonderful life xx
Have a good day everyone and stay warm xx
Monday, 20 October 2008
last one for today ...
And with that, I shall bid you all goodnight and head off to bed, so I am refreshed to do it all again tomorrow afternoon LOL
Nite nite all xx
Windy start to the week

Good morning everyone- bit of a windy start here in the Eastern Counties today but I do have to say, its not cold. I went up to the local shop at 8am to get a loaf and some milk and it was a lovely walk despite the wind. I took the photo above at about 7.30am as I thought the sky looked lovely - shame the houses were in the way lol
I shall be out until about 2.30pm today then back to the hobbit room and the card making - no rest for the wicked LOL
Hope you all have a good day and be good xxx
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Latest La Pashe Xmas card

What a beautiful it has turned out to be - a bit chilly but then it is October but glorious sunshine. Been to work this morning and have come home, had some lunch and made a start on some Xmas cards. I have again used one of the beautiful LaPashe sheets from Jak & Jim that are always available from the e-shop at Imag-e-nation.
Click here to be taken direct to the e-shop
Here you will see the FULL range of La Pashe sheets including the latest "Flipping Men" Sheets - so comical you just have to have them xxx
Stop waffling Cazz and get on with the next one.
be back soon xx
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