Evening all ( I always see the guy from Dixon Of Dock Green in my head whenever I type that LOL). Its been another wet day today and I am so thankful I have full wet weather gear whilst I am out and about. I went to my slimming class earlier and was gutted to be told that cycling 3 miles in the rain (twice I may add) DOESN'T count as doing Aquaerobics - how rubbish is that???? LOL Oh well, I had lost 1lb which I know I didn't deserve but I shall take it anyway.
I picked my wedding dress up yesterday (as I may have said in another post but my memory is all over the shop at the moment so better said twice than not at all) and today Bern finally made his mind up as to what wedding ring he would like so tomorrow I shall go into town and get a Building Society cheque and get it in the post.

Isn't it gorgeous? Its a tungsten ring with a brushed satin finish in the central part and 2 polished edges. He fell in love with it as soon as he saw it. Its from John Greed Designs Ltd in Lincoln.
CLICK HERE if you'd like to have a look at their gorgeous range of jewellery. I found their website purely by chance but I have definitely saved it for future use (hopefully not weddings ring again though LOL)
Bern's ring is stunning. He has good taste......oh.....of course he has...he chose you.